I make music and even draw sometimes!! I don’t use NG too much, but I’ll try to be around more :3
Always up to help with projects!!
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I reeeeally wanna be a game dev

Posted by Chromadeline - May 24th, 2024

I think I've wanted to make a game since I knew what games were, but relying on other people to help me make things has only worked like... once. Not to bash on anyone I've worked with, I get they have lives n stuff, but it just motivates me to wanna be able to do stuff on my own. There's like the barrier though that's stopping me, probably just the amount of work making even a small game is

I definitely don't have the programming experience needed, but even if I learned I don't know what I could even make on my own considering my art skills aren't the best either (at least when it comes to the ideas I have)

There's one game I could 100% make all by myself right now, but it wouldn't have the art style I would want or need for it. It would have a more serious and kinda horror feel, and that's not really something I can accomplish in pixel art, my style is too cartoonish and my understanding of pixel art is too shallow. I guess I'll just keep working at it, but I probably wont have anything of my own to show for quite some time...




oh god i totally get what you mean. I'd love to get programming, but I don't get around to it much because of other projects im occupied with, and whenever I try to, I just don't get it. I'm sure one day I'll get a better understanding of it little by little. Or maybe in the future, there will be some kinda fancy new software that makes game creation easy lol who knows

I have the exact same problem right now. I have a prototype for a game but because all of the art is placeholders I've drawn, it looks very ugly and makes me not want to show it to people.

You have to learn to make compromises if you want to create things. Is there another art style that is easier for you? Could you get someone else to do the graphics? Could you learn to draw in the style you want for this game?

Art is a compromise between the creator's vision and reality. It is better to make something that may not match your vision, than it is to make nothing at all.

I think I really agree with that
My vision for the game is so strong with the visuals that I can't really see it any other way, but I suppose maybe I could try a different art style. With the program I'd have to use to make it, I'm kinda limited to just pixel art which is a shame, but perhaps with that limitation I could make something else that works
Thank you for that part at the end by the way, that's really inspiring...